today some ace friends and i went to Tokyo Rainbow Pride where we were approached by a smug as fuck acephobic asshat. this video is dedicated to those who do not believe that acephobia and/or asexual erasure are a thing and to those who struggle dealing with people belittling the shit you deal with.
let there be video of acephobia & asexual erasure in action for the world to see.
※ what is acephobia?
fear, prejudice or discrimination against people within the asexual (ace) spectrum; the belief that asexuality is “unnatural”, “wrong” and/or a health issue that needs “correcting”.
※ what is asexual erasure?
denying the existence of asexuality, asexuals and other sexualities and people within the asexual spectrum; the lack of representation and misrepresentation of the asexual spectrum in the media.
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