Category: Claiming that asexuality is a disorder, a medical condition

EX ASESSUALI: le testimonianze dei guariti

Translation: Ex asexuals, witnesses of the healed ones

Submitted and translated by “L’afobia esiste” @stop.afobia_ita

Excerpt, translated via Google translate:

«Although asexuality is not an offense such as pedophilia, which harms third parties causing serious damage and trauma, it still generates heavy emotional, psychological and social disturbances and repercussions both in the person affected and in any partner. However, if society has rightly condemned pedophilia, this has not yet happened with asexuality, due to the lower social and physical danger of the pathology, but above all because of the political pressures linked to an unjust extremism of meaning politically correct.

Therefore subjects affected by asexual disorder should be treated as pedophiles, or induced to take care of themselves in order to try to reduce the damage or, if possible, heal.

It would be nice to be able to delude ourselves that asexuals will die out, since they do not reproduce. Unfortunately, however, they are all creatures born of ignorance forced by the dictatorship of minorities and ignorance, as you know, is always pregnant.

Read the whole article here.

ASESSUALITÀ: le risposte ai dubbi dei lettori

Translation: Asexuality, answers to the readers’ doubts

Submitted and translated by “L’afobia esiste” @stop.afobia_ita

Excerpt, translated via Google translate:


ASEXUALITY understood as sexual orientation DOES NOT EXIST.
There is asexual disorder, understood as pathology. Unfortunately, this confusion has been generated by LGBT associations that have recently improperly categorized asexual disorder as ASEXUALITY.
This social drift was reached on the initiative of the lobby of the LGBT associations, always thirsty for political power deriving from the consent of the minorities, in an attempt to attract people affected by asexual disorder by improperly raising this pathology to the rank of alternative sexual orientation (recte, negative ).»

Read the whole article here.

“ASESSUALITÀ”: una nuova etichetta nata per giustificare un grave disturbo sessuale

Translation: Asexuality, a new label born to justify a serious sexual disease

Submitted and translated by “L’afobia esiste” @stop.afobia_ita

Excerpt, translated via Google translate:

«The lobby of LGBT associations, in fact, mistakenly tries to label these disorders as sexual orientations, even comparing “ASEXUALITY” to homosexuality, unfairly invoking criteria of freedom and non-discrimination to protect this minority. In reality, wanting to make a forced comparison, “ASEXUALITY” should be more properly compared to pedophilia, as both disorders are harmful sexual deviations. If pedophilia harms, unfortunately, third parties abused, “ASEXUALITY” is in any case detrimental to the personal balance of the person affected and any partner. The direct effect of asexual disorder is, of course, the impairment of one’s social and relational life conduct, which is affected by the difficulty of relating to a primary and atavistic drive such as sexual instinct. This damage is as serious as that caused by the opposite disorder, or hypersexuality, more commonly known as “nymphomania”.»

Read the whole article here.

Submitted and translated by “L’afobia esiste” @stop.afobia_ita

An uncensored version of the screenshot exists here. The password is Sicnetpv.


Girl: “Good evening, I don’t want to attack you or anything else, can I ask you to have a civile discussion? I’d like to understand why you hate so much asexual people”

Acephobe: “I don’t hate anyone and I never wrote about hating anyone. Where did you read it? Are you also dyslexic in addiction to having trauma related to sexuality?”
“However I repeat that there is no asexuality: those who have problems with sex have problems with their bodies and therefore have a disorder to solve. Sexuality is a primary drive and if it’s missing it means that there is a trauma that must be identified and resolved”
“But then you are 17 years old, you aren’t asexual, you simply haven’t found who opens your legs properly. Go fuck and don’t fuck with me” 
(In the message he says “asessuata”, in Italian there’s a huge difference between “asessuale” and “asessuato/a/*, the first one means not having genitals, the second one means don’t feel sexual attraction, so the first one is an insult for asexual people). 
Girl: “I’m sorry, I thought I could have a civilized, mature discussion with you, but obviously I was wrong”
Acephobe: “Your ass stinks of shit and your mouth stinks of milk. Get fucked by a Maghreb before you make serious speeches. Now go”
Girl: “I’ve got better things to do, good evening” 
Acephobe: *sends dickpic* 
“Suck the n****r cock and you’ll get over it, cow”

Asexual Bingo

Sometimes silly, sometimes serious, and always with lots of bad language and inappropriate graphics, here is a capsule view of the kinds of comments I get on my YouTube videos and through other channels regarding asexuality. And keeping track of how much fail I encountered was made easier with the handy-dandy Asexual Bingo card. (Believe me, I’ve heard EVERYTHING on it, but I had to cut a lot of stuff even to make this video.) If nothing else, this should give you an idea of how often certain sentiments are expressed and why these people’s knee-jerk condescending comments are not helping anyone and certainly aren’t doing much but making them look like their anger and frustration toward me for not wanting to have sex is way out of proportion for what people should be expressing about some stranger’s sex life.

The opening song is “Isabella” by the Mediæval Bæbes. And yes, I am really the age I say I am in the video. And thank you, yes my hair is pretty awesome.

Letters to an Asexual #62 (Troll Variety Pack)

This is #62 of a series in which I read correspondence between me and people who have questions, comments, or–more often–misconceptions about asexuality. In this one I read some of the shorter comments I’ve had thrown at me by trolls, most of them people who sought out my content just to tell me no one cares about it. OK hun, you do you.

Letters to an Asexual #60 (Obsessive Harasser)

This is #60 of a series in which I read correspondence between me and people who have questions, comments, or–more often–misconceptions about asexuality. In this video, I share the harassing messages of a repeat offender who has been targeting queer activists for many years. Did you know asexuality isn’t normal and I need to see a therapist? Unless the therapist would tell me I’m fine, in which case therapists are crazy too? Maybe it would convince me if my harasser were to obsessively pore over my biographical details and try to use facts about my extended family against me? Because that’s something very stable people do to “help” people like me all the time!

Letters to an Asexual #44 (“consider this: it’s a disorder that needs a cure!”)

This is #44 of a series in which I read correspondence between me and people who have questions, comments, or–more often–misconceptions about asexuality.

This Letter addresses a person who thinks it’s important we consider inability to feel sexual pleasure could be a disorder–as if “you probably have a disease, get fixed” is not already one of the most common reactions we face. We also discuss that not all asexual people who don’t desire or enjoy sex or masturbation are incapable of feeling sexual pleasure; they may just not desire it.