Category: Claiming acephobia doesn’t exist, aces aren’t oppressed

Shit People Say to Asexuals

Need more info on asexuality? I have a book out. Buy or borrow a copy of The Invisible Orientation:…
Want to know more about why these statements/questions are inappropriate? Read the info sheet with explanations:…
If we come out to you, we probably don’t mind discussing our orientation, but pretty much anything recited in this video is probably a bad idea to say to us. . . . Don’t be afraid to talk to us or ask questions, but sometimes on the sensitive topics, you might be better off doing your own research. You may also like these for further reading/watching:
“How to Be an Asexual Ally,” my article:…
Asexual Bingo (my video of much more offensive quotes):…
The Asexual Visibility and Education Network:

Thank you to my collaborators Nick, Axx, Kathryn, 65dgs, TungstenEdge, ampersandstringquartet, Dallas, Ace Amoeba, Chel, Rynn, Michael, CocoaPanda, Muffin, Sara Beth, and Raingoddess2040.

Letters to an Asexual #68 (“I don’t HATE aces; I pity them!”)

This is #68 of a series in which I read correspondence between me and people who have questions, comments, or–more often–misconceptions about asexuality. In this video, I read some comments on a mainstream media article where the fellow argues that nobody should hate or harass asexuals; we should all just feel sorry for them, and by no means should we treat them like this is a normal enough way to be. The difference must be acknowledged or someone might get the idea that it’s okay to live like that or something! Sheesh! 😀

Letters to an Asexual #55 (Mocking Asexuality)

This is #55 of a series in which I read correspondence between me and people who have questions, comments, or–more often–misconceptions about asexuality. In this video, I read a “humorous” article someone wrote about asexuality in which we were portrayed as hilariously worked up about what we don’t do, with multiple potshots at misrepresentations of our community. And then I explain why what this person did isn’t the kind of funny that is functionally distinct from bigotry and why some of his phrasing choices are super awful.